Printing Cards
April 28, 2022

A number of clubs have stated that they are having issues with creating cards.  I contacted the IT Support team on this and there are no bugs on their end that they can see.  They did suggest to remind users to follow the Instructions on the Card sites that you can view once you login into the card site.

A few reminders that they have provided are 

1 - It seems one of the files in the zip folder is saved as a HEIC extension.  They need to be saved as a JPG file and then put in a zip file.  Once fixed, they should upload fine.

2- make sure that there are no spaces in front of a name or a number in the file

3- click the "OVERIDE DUPLICATION CHECKING box which can be found below were you select the ZIP File with photos

All the best and remember, do NOT wait to register your teams and request cards.




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